companies cameras resolutions
10 megapixels
12 megapixels
15 megapixels
18 megapixels
20 megapixels
24 megapixels
26 megapixels
Lectra 6
Tela G5
Zenix 2C

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A copy of your puzzle's grid is shown on the left. Copy over your current grid state from the book into the grid on the left by clicking once in a square to make an 'X' or twice to make an 'O'. Once you have your current grid state represented here, you can click the 'Hint' button below the grid. This will (1) remove any errors in your current grid state and (2) offer a suggestion as to where the next logical deduction can be made. You can request unlimited hints.

Puzzle #88

This grid will auto-populate with all the true relationships you've created on the top 7 rows on the grid.

Prices Companies Cameras Resolutions